Additional Python packages

Anaconda's Python Distribution comes with many of the packages we need to do scientific computing. If you're interested in all the packages included, click here and go to the Python 3.9 tab.

However, you may come across packages that are not installed by default. In this case we recommend you use the pip package management tool to install them. The following recipe works for all operating systems.


If your python 3 was accessed via python3 rather than python on the previous page, then type pip3 instead of pip for all of the following python packages.

First let us update pip by typing the following into the terminal

pip install --upgrade pip

If you get an error, try typing instead:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip --user

For this course, we will need the package Selenium as part of the web scraping tool kit we will build up. First let us install a dependency for it via

pip install msgpack

We then install selenium by entering the following into a terminal:

pip install selenium

pip will then go through and install the package we asked for, and any other dependencies. If this succeeded, the last line it printed out should be:

Successfully installed selenium-3.xx.x

More packages

Please also install the following packages:

  • linearmodels
  • virtualenvwrapper