Installation Guide

Setting up a computer to do computational / statistical resarch is often an intimidating first step. We provide a step-by-step set of instructions for participants on how to install all of the required software for the course. Our instructions provide details for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu flavoured Linux machines.

We use these instructions ourselves when setting up our machines. Let us know if you find the instructions useful for your own work.

If you find errors or explanations that lack clarity, drop us a short email (see Contact page) and we'll do our best to add some clarifiying information.

Installation Help

Please try and install all the software before the course begins. If you are struggling we are able to help - but we expect you have tried to work through the guide yourself.

We will offer an installation help: Check the Schedule for details.

Current Installation Guides

Current Version: 2024 Installation Guide

Archived Installation Guides

We archive all versions of the installation guide so that participants in previous editions have access to how to set up the environment they used during the course. You can find the the archived course material here.